✧ Caring for your Kazclops piece ✧

By taking good care of your piece you can ensure it lasts you a very long time. Below I have outlined how to wash and care for your piece.

  • Hand wash your piece by soaking it in cold water with a mild detergent. Leave to soak for a few minutes.

  • Rinse out the detergent and gently squeeze out the excess water.

  • Lay your piece on a clean towel, roll the towel up and squeeze out any excess moisture.

  • Lay your piece down flat to dry on a towel.

  • Reshape the piece as it is drying.

Please make sure you don’t stretch your piece while it is wet as this can misshape it. You can avoid this by not wringing your piece when washing and instead gently squeezing the water out. Laying your piece down flat to dry as opposed to hanging it when air drying also prevents it from stretching out.

100% Wool and 100% Mohair items do not need to be washed as frequently. This is because natural fibres are self cleaning and odour resistant.

To fluff up your mohair hat again after washing, use a brush with small bristles to gently brush out the mohair. You can use a clothes brush, pet hair brush or a mohair brush to do this.

Avoid extreme heat as this can damage/shrink your piece, that is why tumble drying is not recommended.